Singhania University

Regulation/ Rules Made U/S 31 read with sections 5 and sections 29, 30 and 47.

It shall be the responsibility of the student/ his parents to make proper and full enquiry and satisfy about the student having requisite qualifications / eligibility to take admission in the course he has applied for and also the competence of the university to give admission and award degree on passing the examination/ test. Student shall also satisfy himself about the validity of the degree for any particular job/employment in Government or elsewhere.
No authority or officer of the university shall be held liable for any alleged irregularities/wrongful admission or for any incorrect wrong representation made orally or in writing. Maximum liability of the university shall be to refund the fee if any paid by the student. In case of any dispute regarding wrongful admission or award of any degree, no claim for any amount more than the amount of the fee paid shall be entertained by the arbitrator in arbitration.
For the peaceful, smooth and efficient running of its academic and other affairs by the University, no police official or other authority shall have the access to enter into University campus without prior permission of the Vice-Chancellor or permission from a judicial officer of not less than of the status of District and Sessions judge. Since all decisions/actions in the University are required to be taken as an incorporated body no officer/ authority/ individual shall be held liable for any consequences airing out of any incorrect/ irregular admission/ decision, University alone shall be responsible for that.
University acting through its academic council shall be entitled to run all the courses for which the degrees are notified under section 22 of the UGC Act. All the degrees / diplomas certificates duly awarded /granted by the University shall automatically be entitled to be recognized for central and state government employment as per H.R.D Ministry circular notification No. F. 18-27/70-T.2 Dt. 20 November 1970.
In case of any student obtaining any degree/diploma /certificate without making full payment of the due fee, and/or without being entitled for award of such degree/diploma/certificate, university shall be entitled to withdraw and cancel the same.
Since Chancellor and the members of the board of management are not required to deal with any day to day affairs of the University, shall not be liable/ responsible for actions of the University i.e. from any legal liability airing out of the same. Validity of their decisions/ actions shall not be questioned in any Court of law lower than the court of District judge/High Court.
Deans of Faculty/ Professor in charge/Head of the department shall have the freedom/ autonomy to decide about the courses to be run by his dept/ faculty and modify the same as and when needed keeping in view the contemporary needs of the industry/ potential employers and society. They shall also have the liberty to decide about mode of providing instructions including distance/ correspondence/ self study/ with the aid of electronic media in cooperation with other Universities/institutions through out India /abroad/by establishing study centers, off campus centers, learning centers /cooperation centers/ examination centers by whatever named called. So far it is possible Deans shall follow Grading system/ and mode of instructions based on choice based credit system. Deans shall have the liberty to take into consideration of the studies done, credits obtained/ knowledge and skills acquired in any other institution/ University or by self study by a student at the time of giving admission in any course or in awarding of the degree.Mode of examination/ evaluation of the student for award of degree/diploma/certificate shall also be decided by dean/head of the faculty/school.
Since chancellor is only a ceremonial head of the University, with no involvement in day to day affairs or activities of the University, he shall not be held responsible for any academic or any other actions of the University or any of its officers body or authority. The Chancellor shall have the same immunity/ privileges as are available to any other Chancellor of a Central / State University in accordance with the recommendations made by the committee of the Governors headed by then Governor of Maharastra Shri P.C. Alexander and submitted to His Excellency the President of India.
Directions given, decisions, orders made, only in writing by any authority officer in discharge of his powers / functions, shall be admissible in evidence. No. cognizance of any offence shall be taken by any authority or police of any action taken/decision made by any authority of the University in exercise of his official duty in connection with the affairs of the University without prior sanction of the Board of management of the University. Finding if any made by Board of Management shall be admissible in evidence and shall be presumed to be correct unless it suffers from any legal infirmity.
Each Department /School/ Faculty of the University shall function in an autonomous manner i.e. in the matter of taking admissions, mode of providing instructions, course to be run.
Student’s discipline, mode of examination and award of degree shall be under the over all supervision of the Board of Studies headed by Dean, head of department. Any college/ institution by whatever name it may be called which is run and maintained by the university be treated as its constituent unit and shall have all the privileges of University.
Payments made in the designated Bank Account of the University shall only be treated as valid payments and no person shall be authorized to receive any payment in any other mode i.e. cash, cheque or Bank Draft.
Degrees/ diplomas/ certificates shall be granted to only those students, who are duly enrolled as student on the Rolls of the University and who have paid all their fees and dues, and have duly qualified for award of the same as per rules and regulations of the University.
On successful completion of the course and on passing the examination, dean of the Faculty/ School shall sanction award of the degree/ diploma or certificate to the qualifying student and it shall be authenticated by the Vice Chancellor and the Registrar. List of awardees shall be put on the Website of the University.
These regulations shall be published by putting the same on the website of the University.
  1. Constitution, Powers & Function of the Authorities of the University as may be constituted from time to time;
    • Board of Management
    • Academic Council
    • The Faculties
    • Advisory council
  2. The terms and conditions of appointment of the vice-chancellor and Pro-Vice Chancellor, their powers and functions;
  3. The manner and terms and conditions of appointment of the Registrar and Chief finance and Accounts Officer and their powers and functions;
  4. The manner in which and the period for which the Provost and Proctor shall be appointed and their powers and functions;
  5. The manner if which the Dean of the Faculty shall be appointed and his powers and function;
  6. The manner and terms and conditions of appointment of other officers and teachers and their powers and function;
  7. The terms and conditions of service of employees of the University and their functions;
  8. The procedure for arbitration in case of disputes between officers, teachers employees and students;
  9. The conference of honorary degrees;
  10. The provisions regarding exemption of student from payment of tuition fee and for awarding to them scholarships & fellowships;
  11. Provisions regarding the policy of admissions including regulations of reservation of seats;
  12. Provision regarding fees to be charged from students;
  13. Provision regarding number of seats in different courses;
  14. Creation of new authorities of the University;
  15. Accounting policy and financial procedure;
  16. Creation of new Faculties/Departments and abolitions or restructuring of existing Faculties/Department;
  17. Institution of medals and prizes;
  18. Creation of posts and procedure for abolition of posts;
  19. Revision of fees;
  20. All other matters which under the provisions of this Act required to be, or may be, prescribed by the statutes, and Bar against legal proceeding;
  21. Alteration of the number of seats in different syllabus;
Constitution, powers and function of the authorities of the University as may be constituted from time to time.
Constitution, powers and Function of the Board of Management.
  1. The Board of Management shall consist of the following members, namely:-
    • The Chancellor.
    • The Vice-chancellor.
    • Five persons nominated by the Sponsoring Body out of whom two shall be eminent educationists.
    • One expert of management or information technology from outside the University, nominated by the Chancellor
    • One expert of finance, nominated by the Chancellor.
    • Commissioners, college education or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.
    • Two teachers, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor and Registrar of the University as Member Secretary
  2. The Board of Management shall be the principle executive body of the University. All the movable and immovable property of the university shall vest in the Board of Management and it shall exercise the powers and perform the function as under:-
    • to provide general superintendence and directions and to control the functionality of the university by using all such powers as are provided by the act or the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or rules made there under;
    • to review the decisions of other authorities of the University in case they are not in conformity with the provisions of this Act or the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or Rules made there under;
    • to approve the budget and annual report of the University;
    • to lay down the policies to be followed by the University
    • to manage and administer the finances, revenues, assets and properties of the University;
    • to supervise all administrative affairs of the University
    • to create any post of teaching or any academic nature.
    • to determine the terms and conditions of services of the teachers and other members of the academic staff.
    • to specify the qualification and the function of the teachers and other members of the academic staff.
    • to approve the appointment of teachers and other members of the academic staff on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.
    • to specify the manner of temporary appointment of teachers and other members of the academic staff and approve such appointments.
    • to regulate and approve the appointment of Visiting Professors, Emeritus Professors, Fellow, Artists and Writers and to determine the terms and condition of such appointments
    • to invest money in stock, funds on securities or in approved banks or other financial institutions or in the purchase of assets and properties in consultation with the Financial Committee.
    • to create administrative, ministerial or other posts after considering the recommendations of the Financial Committee and to specify the manner of appointments to such posts.
    • to receive of transfer any property on be half of the University.
    • to constitute functional committee/bodies/authorities as may be considered necessary from time to time to achieve the objectives of the University
    • to fix remuneration or allowances payable to any writer counselor, examiner, invigilator or nay other person.
    • to delegate any of its powers to an y officer or authority of the University and;
    • to do all such acts as are necessary to carry out the objects of the University.
  3. The Board of management shall exercise all the powers of the University not other wise provided for by Statutes, Ordinances of the University and the Regulations for the fulfillment of the object of the University.
  4. Five members of the Board of Management shall from quorum for a meeting of the Board.
The term of office of a nominated member shall be one year.
Constitution, Powers and Functions of the Academic Council:
  1. The Academic Council shall consist of the following members; namely:-
    • Vice-Chancellor, ex-officio Chairman.
    • All Pro Vice-Chancellors.
    • Two Professors of the University, Two Associate Professors and Two Assistant Professors of the University by rotation.
    • All Conveners of the subject committees constituted by the Board of Management.
    • Ten eminent educationist/ industrialist/Non-Educationist co-opted by the Academic Council from outside the University and approved by the Chancellor.
    • Two Representatives of the leading Chambers of Commerce and industry.
    • Two Representatives of the parents of the students of the University.
    • Two Principle of Sr. Sec. Schools
    • Four representative of different industries relevant for various professional courses of study in the University.
    • Four Alumni member
    • Registrar of the University; Member-Secretary
  2. The academic Council shall be the principle academic body of the University and shall exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University and it shall exercise the power and perform the functions as under:-
    • All matters including procedure and qualification for admission of the students to the University and their enrolment as such.
    • All matters regarding award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions, the minimum qualification for the measure to be taken relating to the granting of the same.
    • The conduct of examinations including the terms of offices and manner of appointment and the duties of examining bodies, examiners and moderators.
    • The manner and nature of cooperation and coordination with other University and institutions of higher education national as well as international in the area of courses of study, research, consultancy, award of degrees/diplomas, exchange program of students/teachers and placement of students.
    • To supervise the academic policies of the University.
    • To constitute Board of Studies for each Faculty of Studies keeping in view the need for placement of the students studding in different courses.
    • To give direction in the matters of instructions, examination, evaluation and research;
    • To consider matters of academic nature on a reference from a Faculty of Studies or the Board of Management and to take appropriate action thereon;
    • To take action for improvement in the academic standard;
    • To frame regulations for academic functioning, discipline, admission, fellowship, fee and other ancillary matters; and to do any other thing or act as may be prescribed by the statutes of directed by the Board of Management.
    • The term of office of nominated members shall be one year.
    • Quorum shall be one third members of the Council.
The Faculties:
  1. Every Faculty of Studies shall have a Board of studies, which shall be constituted by the Vice-Chancellor on consultation with the Academic Council and shall comprise of the following:-
    • Dean of the Faculty
    • All professors of the Faculty
    • Four members out of Associate/Assistant Professors in the Faculty.
    • Parents Representative of Chamber of Commerce and industry (two).
    • Representative of local NGO’s (two).
  2. All members of the Board other than the ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of two years.
  3. Board of Studies shall have the powers to perform the following functions:
    • To organize development and research work
    • To approve the syllabus in accordance with the course structure on the advice of expert committee (s) nominated by the Convener/Head of the subject,
    • To recommend to the Vie-Chancellor the names of the course writers, examiners and moderator for different courses on the proposal of the director of the school prepared in consultation with the Dean of the concerned Faculty;
    • To formulate proposal for orientation Programmes for course writers in collaboration with other faculties in consultation with the Dean of the concerned discipline
    • To formulate proposal for orientation Programmes for tutors and counselors in consultation with the Convener/Head of the concerned discipline
    • To prepare general instruction for counseling to students for different Programmes
  4. Board of Studies shall also have the power and function to revise of studies/ add new courses/institute any new degree/diploma/certificate courses in consultation with the concerned trade/industry do that studies and research in that particular field are able to meet the contemporary needs of the employees/industry/society.
  5. The University shall have the following Faculties of Studies namely:-
    • Faculty of legal studies and research
    • Faculty of Business Management: Studies and Research
    • Faculty of Science and technology
    • Faculty of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
    • Faculty of Medical Science: Studies & Research
    • Faculty of Studies & Research in Education, Humanities and Social science
    • Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture
    • Faculty of Rural Development
    • Faculty of Undergraduate studies
    • Faculty of Languages
    • Faculty of Industry Oriented Training and Placement
Faculty of Legal Studies and Research:
  • Bachelor of Law (LLB)
  • Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws (B.A.-LLB)
  • Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (B.Sc.-LLB)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration ant Bachelor of Laws (BBA-LLB)
  • Master of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws (MBA-LLB)
  • Bachelor of Technology and Bachelor of Laws (B. Tech.-LLB)
  • Master of Business Law (MBL)
  • Doctor in Philosophy in Laws (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Business Management Studies and Research:
  • Certificate in Financial Management (CFM)
  • Certificate in Human Resource Management (CHRM)
  • Certificate in Operational Management (COM)
  • Certificate in Retail Management (CRM)
  • Certificate in Competitive Intelligence and Corporate Welfare (CCICW)
  • Certificate in Hospitality and Hotel Management (CHHM)
  • Diploma in Financial Management (DFM)
  • Diploma in Human Resource Management (DHRM)
  • Diploma in Operational Management (DOM)
  • Diploma in Retail Management (DRM)
  • Diploma in Customer Relation Management (DCRM)
  • Diploma in Competitive Intelligence & Corporate Welfare (DCICW)
  • Diploma in Hospitality and Hotel Management (DHHM)
  • Diploma in Insurance Management (DIM)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration -Master of Business Administration (BBA-MBA) Integrated
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Science & Technology:
  • Certificate in Nano-Technology and Nano-Science (CNTNS)
  • Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Diploma in Electric Engineering
  • Diploma in Automobile Engineering
  • Diploma in Computer Science & Technology
  • Diploma in Information Technology
  • Diploma in Civil Engineering
  • Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
  • Diploma in Instrumentation & Control Engineering
  • Diploma in Aerospace Engineering
  • Diploma in Civil & Architecture Engineering
  • Diploma in Mining Engineering
  • Diploma in Petroleum and Hydrocarbon Engineering
  • Diploma in Industrial Engineering
  • Diploma in Production Engineering
  • Industrial Training Certificate-Diploma (Engineering) (Integrated course)
  • Diploma in Nano-Technology and Nano-Science (DNTNS)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering (B.Tch. Elect. & Comm.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering (B.Tech. Elect)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Automobile Engineering (B.Tech. Auto.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering (B.Tech. Comp.Sc.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology (B.Tech. IT)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering (B.Tech Civil)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (Be.Tech. Mech)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Instrumentation & Control Engineering
  • Bachelor of Technology in Aerospace Engineering (B.Tech. Aero.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in civil & Architecture Engineering (B.Tech. Civil & Arch.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Mining Engineering (B.Tech. Mining)
  • Bachelor of Technology in petroleum and Hydrocarbon Engineering (B.Tech. Petro. & Hydro.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Industrial Engineering (B.Tech. Indus.)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Production Engineering (B.Tech. Prod.)
  • Bachelor of Technology (Integrated Courses)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Nano-Technology and Nano-Science (B.Tch. NTNS)
  • Master of Technology in Electronics & Communication engineering (M.Tech. Elect. & Comm.)
  • Master of Technology in Civil Engineering (M.Tech. Civil.)
  • Master of Technology in Automobile Engineering (M.Tech. Auto.)
  • Master of Technology in Electrical Engineering (M.Tech. Elect.)
  • Master of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering (M.Tech. Comp.Sc.)
  • Master of Technology in Information Technology (M.Tech. IT.)
  • Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (M.Tech. Mech.)
  • Master of Technology in Instrumentation & Control Engineering (M.Tech. Inst. & Cont.)
  • Master of Technology in Aerospace Engineering (M.Tech. Aero.)
  • Master of Technology in Nano-Technology & Nano-Science (M.Tech. NTNS.)
  • Master of Technology in Civil & Architecture Engineering (M.Tech. Civil & Arch.)
  • Master of Technology in Mining Engineering (M.Tech. Mining)
  • Master of Technology in Petroleum & Hydrocarbon Engineering (M.Tech. Petro & Hydro.)
  • Master of Technology in Industrial Engineering (M.Tech. Indus.)
  • Master of Technology in Production Engineering (M.Tech. Prod.)
  • Master of Technology (Integrated Course)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Biotechnology & Bioinformatics:
  • Certificate in Bio-Technology Lab Management (CBT (Lab Mgmt))
  • Certificate in Clinical Trial Management (CCTM)
  • Diploma in Bio-Science Application (DBA)
  • Diploma in Fermentation Technology (DFT)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology (B.Tech.-Biotech.) (Integrated course)
  • Bachelor of Technology in Bio-informatics (B.Tech. –Bio Info.) (Integrated Course)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honors) in Medical Biotechnology (B.Sc. Med Biotech Hons.))
  • Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology (B.Sc. Bio tech.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Bio-informatics (B.Sc. Bio Info)
  • Master of Science in Microbiology & Herbal Medicines (M.Sc. Micro Herb. Med.)
  • Master in Business Administration in Biotechnology Management (MBA (Biotech Mgmt))
  • Master of Science in Biotechnology (M.Sc. Biotech.)
  • Master of Science in Bio-Informatics (M.Sc. Bio. Info.)
  • Master of Technology in Biotechnology (M.Tech Biotech) Integrated Course)
  • Master of Technology in Bio-Informatics (M.Tech Bio Info) Integrated Course)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Herbal & Microbial Biotechnology (P.G.D. (Herb. Micro. Biotech.)
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Medical Science Studies & Research:
  • Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  • Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)
  • Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)
  • Diploma in Physiotherapy (DPT)
  • Bachelor in Pharmacy (B.Pharma.)
  • Diploma in Pharmacy (D.Pharma.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.Sc. Nursing)
  • Bachelor of Science in Medical Lab technology (B.Sc. MLT)
  • Bachelor of Science in radio-Diagnosis & Imaging Technology (B.Sc. RDIT)
  • Master of Science in Medical Lab Technology (M.Sc. MLT)
  • Master of Science in Human Anatomy (M.Sc. Human Anatomy)
  • Master of Science Human Physiology (M.Sc. Human Physiology)
  • Master of Science in Medical Microbiology (M.Sc. Med. Micro.)
  • Master of Science in Biochemistry (M.Sc. Biochem.)
  • Certificate in Manipulation Therapy (CMT)
  • Certificate in Rehabilitation (CR)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Studies & Research in Education, Humanities and Social Science:
  • Certificate in Counseling Psychology (CCP)
  • Certificate in Clinical Psychology (CCP)
  • Certificate in Organization Behavior (COB)
  • Certificate in Forensic Science (CFS)
  • Diploma in Counseling Psychology (DCP)
  • Diploma in Clinical Psychology (DCIP)
  • Diploma in Organization Behavior (DOB)
  • Diploma in Forensic Science (DFS)
  • Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (MA-CP)
  • Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (MA-CP)
  • Master of Arts in Clinical Organization Behavior (MA-OB)
  • Master of Arts in Forensic Science (MA-Forensic Sc.)
  • Master of Arts in Anthropology (MA-Anthro.)
  • Master of Education (M.Ed.)
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
  • School of Teaching Certificate (STC)
  • Bachelor of Physical Education (B.P.Ed.)
  • Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.)
  • Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture:
  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry (B.V.Sc. & AH.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc. Ag.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Engineering (B.Sc. Ag Eng.)
  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Forestry (B.Sc. Ag. Forestry )
  • Bachelor of Science in Home Science (B.Sc. Hsc.)
  • Master of Science in Agriculture (Integrated ) (M.Sc. Ag.)
  • Master of Veterinary Science (MV.Sc.)
  • Master of Science in Agriculture (M.Sc. Ag.)
  • Master of Science in Agriculture Forestry (M.Sc. Forestry)
  • Master of Science in Home Science (M.Sc. Hsc.)
  • Master of Technology (Agriculture Engineering ) (M.Tech. Ag. Eng.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Science ((Ph.D. Ag.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Forestry (Ph.D. Ag. Forestry)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture engineering (Ph.D. Ag. Eng.)
  • Diploma in Veterinary and Livestock Assistance (DVLA)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Veterinary & Animal Science (Ph.D. Vet. & Ani. Sc.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Home science (Ph.D. Hom.Sc.)
  • Doctor pf Philosophy in Basic Science (Ph.D. Basic Sc.)
  • Master of Philosophy (M.phil.)
Faculty of Undergraduate studies:-
  • Certificate/Undergraduate Diploma Course
  • I.T.I.
  • Higher Secondary School
Faculty of Rural Development:-
  • Entrepreneurship Programmes
  • Master of Business Administration in Organic Agriculture (MBA)
  • Master of Rural Management (MRM)
  • Certificate in Rural Management
  • Diploma in Rural Management
Faculty of Languages:-
  • Certificate Courses in Arabic, German, English & Chinese languages
  • Master of Arts n English (M.A.)
  • Master of Philosophy in English (M.Phil.)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in English (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Industry Oriented Training and Placement:-
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Development and Placement of Human Resources
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Development and Placement of Human Resources
  • Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
  1. Advisory Council:-
The Advisory Council shall consist of the following members, namely:-
  • Chancellor-ex-officio chairmen.
  • Vice Chancellor/pro Vice-Chancellor.
  • Representatives from National/State Level Trade association.
  • Representatives of Professional Bodies i.e. Bar Council of India, Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India.
  • Representatives of Parents.
  • Representatives of Students.
  • Representatives of NGO’s/ Local Govt. Official and public Representatives.
  • Principals of Senior Secondary Schools.
  • Number of Members from each category shall be decided by Board of Management from Time to Time.
The Advisory Council shall:-
  • Advise regarding design and formulation of appropriate Programmes and activities of the University
  • Advise to the Board of Management and the Academic Council on any matter which it may deem necessary for fulfillment of the object of the university
  • Main Function of the Advisory council shall be to advise the various authorities of the University regarding how to teaching/training/research/consultancy and other services being rendered by the University can be helpful in the economic and social development of the country keeping in view the aspiration of the people in this regard.
  • Deem necessary for the fulfillment of the objects of the University
  • the Chancellor shall take action to constitute Advisory Council
  1. Committees:-
  • The Board of Management of the University may appoint as many standing and special committee as it may deem necessary and it will take decision regarding its constitution, Powers and functions.
  • A Committee may deal with a matter assigned to it and the action taken by the Committee shall be final on confirmation by the Board of Management.
The terms and Conditions of appointment of the Vice-Chancellor and his powers and functions:-
  1. Appointment, Powers and Functions of the Vice-Chancellor:-
    1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be a whole time officer of the University and shall appointed by the Chancellor from a panel of not three names recommended by the Board of Management.
    2. The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term years from the date on which he enters upon his office or until he attains his age of sixty whichever is earlier.
    3. The emoluments and other conditions of services of the Vice-Chancellor shall be as fellow-
      • Salary will be decided by the Chancellor in consultation with Board of Management.
      • Free official residence.
      • All such allowances as are admission to the Professor of the University for other than teaching purposes; and
      • Such terminal benefits and allowances as are granted from time to time by the Board of Management with the approval of the chancellor or by the ordinances of the University.
      • The official residence of the Vice-Chancellor shall be maintained from the funds of the University.
      • Where the person appointed as the Vice-Chancellor was an employment from before such appointment in any other college, institution or University, he may continue to contribute to the provident fund or the insurance scheme of which he was member in such employment and the University shall contribute its share to the account of such person in that provident fund or scheme.
      • The vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to traveling and daily allowance at such rates as may be fixed by the Board of Management.
      • Entitlement of leave as per University Rules.
      • Where the office of the vice-chancellor falls vacant by reason of death, resignation or any other ground or the vice-Chancellor is unable his duties due to sickness or any other cause the senior most Pro Vice-Chancellor, thereafter senior most Professor shall perform such duties.
      • The Vice-chancellor shall be entitled to be present at or address the meeting of any Authority or Body of the University but shall not vote unless he is a member of such Authority or Body.
      • It shall be the duty of the vice-Chancellor to see that the provision of the Act, the statutes, the ordinances of the university and the regulations are duly observed and he shall have all the powers necessary to ensure such observance.
      • The Vice-Chancellor shall the principle executive and academic officer of the University and shall exercise general superintendence and control over the affaires of the university and shall execute the decisions of the authorities of the University.
      • The Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the convocation of the University in the absence of the Chancellor
      • If the opinion of the vice-Chancellor it is necessary to take immediate action on any matter for which powers are conferred on any authority by or under the Act, Statutes or Ordinance, he may take such action as he deems necessary and shall at the earliest opportunity thereafter report his action to such officer or authority as would have in the ordinary course dealt with the matter.

Provided that if in the opinion of the concerned officer of the authority such action should not have been taken by the Vice-Chancellor then such case shall be referred to the chancellor, whose decision thereon shall be final.

Provided further that where any such action taken by the Vice-Chancellor affects any person in the services of the university, such person shall be entitled to prefer, within three months from the date on which such action is communicated to him, an appeal to the Board of Management and the board of Management may confirm or modify or reverse the action taken by the Vice-chancellor.

  • If, in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor, any decision of any authority of the University is outside the powers confirmed by the Act or Statutes, Ordinance, Regulations or rules made there under or is likely to b prejudicial to the interest of the University, he shall direct the concerned authority to revise its decision within fifteen days from the date of its decisions and in case the authority refuses or fail to receive such decision, then such matter shall be referred to the Chancellor and his decision thereon shall be final.
  • The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and perform such other as may be designed by the board of Management from time to time:-
    • To monitor the affaires of the University and make reports to the Chancellor with his recommendation to improve academic standard and research.
    • To give effect to the decision made by any Authority of the University.
    • To exercise necessary Authority to maintain discipline among the students in the University or to delegate such power to any person.
    • To grant leave to the officers of the university and to make necessary arrangement for work during the period of such leave.
    • To grant leave to teachers and employees or to delegate this power to any officer of the University.
    • To convene the meeting of the Board of Management, Academic Council, and Committees;
    • To appoint course writers, script writers, counselors, programmers, artists and other as considered necessary in consultation with Chancellor.
    • To take disciplinary action against a teacher or an employee or to authorize an officer to take such action; and
    • To arrange for establishing or maintaining off Campus, Regional Center, Study Center and Examination Center as deem necessary from time to time but with the prior approval of Board of Management.
  1. Appointment, Powers and Functions of the Vice-Chancellor
    • The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the recommendation of Vice-Chancellor and/or the Board of Management
    • The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment for a second term as decided by the Chancellor in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor.
    • Where the Pro Vice-Chancellor has to perform the function of the Vice-Chancellor under clause (8) of the section B(1) of the Student, he shall, notwithstanding anything contained in statutes continue in office until a new Vice-Chancellor assumes office or the existing Vice-Chancellor resume duties.
    • The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall be entitled to receive a monthly salary as decided by the Chancellor and such allowances as are admissible to a Professor of the University.
    • The Pro Vice-Chancellor may receive such terminal benefits also as are granted by the board of Management from time to time.
    • The Pro Vice-Chancellor may subscribe to the contributory provident fund of the University during his term of office.
    • Where the pro Vice-Chancellor had held, prior to his appointment as such, any other post in any University, college or institution, he shall be governed till he holds lies on that post by the same retirement benefit scheme to which he was entitled before such appointment subject to the subscription being paid by him on basis of his salary as Pro Vice-Chancellor.
    • The Pro Vice-Chancellor shall assist Vice-Chancellor in such matters as are assigned to him by the vice-Chancellor from time to time and shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as are delegated to him by the Vice-Chancellor.
  1. The manner and terms and conditions of appointment of the Registrar and chief Finance and Account Officer and Powers and Functions.
    • Appointment, Powers and Functions of the registrar:
      • The Registrar shall be appointed by the Chancellor.
      • The Registrar shall be a whole-time officer of the University.
      • The salary, allowance and other conditions of service of the Registrar shall be such as may be decided by the Chancellor in consultation with the Board of Management.
      • The Registrar shall retire on attaining the age of sixty five years.
      • The Registrar shall have power to take disciplinary action against employees of the University other than teachers.
      • An appeal against the order made under clause (5) may be preferred to an officer especially empowered in this behalf by the Board of Management.
      • The Registrar may, if he is of the opinion after completing the enquiry that adequate punishment can not be awarded by him, submit a report along with his recommendation regarding punishment to the Vice-Chancellor who, may after considering the report, impose any penalty.
      • The Registrar shall exercise the Powers and perform the function as under:-
        • To act as the Member Secretary to the Board of Management and the Academic Council but shall not have a right to vote;
        • To act as the custodian of the record of the University
        • To convene meeting and maintain the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Management, the Academic Council and the Committees constituted fro time to time;
        • To conduct the proceeding and deal with the correspondence of the Board of Management, the Academic Council and the Committees.
        • All contracts shall be signed and all document and records shall be authenticated by the Registrar on behalf of the University.
    • Appointment, Power & Functions of the Chief Finance & Account Officer:
      • The chief Finance and Accounts Officers of the University shall be appointed by the Board of Management.
      • The Chief Finance and Accounts Officer shall be a whole Officer and shall work under the over all control and supervision of the Chancellor.
      • The salary, allowance and other conditions of service of the Finance Officer shall be such as may be prescribed by the Chancellor from time to time.
      • The Finance Officer shall retire on attaining the age of sixty five years.
      • The Chief finance and Account Officer in the event of his office fall vacant or he, by reason of ill health, absence or any other cause, being unable to perform his functions, may be performed by such person whom the Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.
      • The chief Finance and Account Officer shall exercise the power and perform the functions in accordance with the policies laid down by Board of Management as under:-
        • To exercise general, supervision over the funds of the University;
        • To advise the University regarding its financial policies;
        • To manage the assets and properties of the University and the investments and trust made or created by it;
        • To ensure that expenditures are made within the limit fixed by the financial Committee and for the purpose for which money is allotted or granted;
        • To prepare the annual accounts and budgets of the University and to present them after being considered by the Financial Committee, before the Board of Management;
        • To keep watch on the case and bank balances.
        • To supervise collection of revenue and to advise on the methods of such collection;
        • To ensure that the registers of properties of the University are properly maintained and that stock of equipments and other material in the offices of the University, Regional Centers, Study Centers and other institutions are duly checked.
        • To bring to the notice of the Vice-Chancellor any authorized expenditure or financial irregularity and suggest action against the person concerned.
        • To call for any information or report necessary for his work from any office of the University.
        • To perform such other financial functions as may designed to him by the Board of Management.
  1. The manner and terms and conditions of appointment of the Provost and Proctor and their Powers and functions.
    1. The Provost:
      • The Provost shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in Consultation with Chancellor for the term of one year. The person to be appointed as Provost must profess a subject in any department of the University.
      • The Provost shall be eligible for appointment for subsequent terms as decided by the vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Chancellor.
      • The Provost shall be responsible for the maintenance of discipline among the teachers and other staff of the University and to process cases of indiscipline in accordance with the policies and practices of the University.
      • The Provost shall arrange teachers, guest teachers and other staff for the University ad per the contemporary needs of the University.
      • The Provost shall supervise the accommodation and other amenities for the staff of the university.
    2. The Proctor:
      • The Proctor shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with Chancellor for the term of one year. The person to be appointed as Proctor must profess a subject in any department of the University.
      • The Proctor shall be eligible for appointment for subsequent terms as decided by the Vice-chancellor in consultation with Chancellor.
      • The Proctor shall be responsible for maintenance of discipline among the students in the campus of the University and to process cases of indiscipline in accordance with the policies and practices of the University.
      • The Proctor shall manage residential accommodations for students.
      • He shall be responsible for proper functioning of hostel, mess, cafeteria and other amenities for the students.
  1. The manner and terms and conditions of appointment of Dean of the Faculty and his powers and functions:-
    • The Dean shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor for a period of three years in consultation with Board of Management. The person to be appointed Dean must be profess a subject including I the Faculty concerned.
    • The Dean of each Faculty shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Faculty and shall convene meetings of the Faculty, as and when required, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and shall preside over the same. He shall formulate the policies and development programme of the Faculty and present the same to the appropriate authorities for their consultation.
    • The Dean shall issue the lecture lists of the University in the departments comprised in the faculty. He shall be responsible for the conduct of teaching research and extension work of the departments comprised in the Faculty and for that purpose shall pass such orders as might be necessary in consultation with the head of the department concerned.
    • He shall supervise the registration and progress of the students in the concerned Faculty.
    • He shall prepare the budget of the Faculty in consultation with the head pf the department.
    • He shall serve as the medium of communication for all official business of the Faculty with other authorities of the University, the students and the parents.
    • He shall normally represent the Faculty for specific conference/seminars/workshop.
  2. The manner and terms and conditions of appointment of other officers and teachers their powers and functions:-
    • All teachers, other members of the academic staff and all employees shall selected by a selection committee constituted by the Vice-Chancellor and appointment shall be made with the approval of the Board of Management or its nominee and in the absence of any contract to the contrary, be governed by the terms and conditions of service and the Code of Conduct as may be specified by the Board of Management from time to time.
    • A teacher or any other member of the academic staff shall be appointed by a contract in writing and the contract shall be in such form as may be specified by Board of Management.
  3. The terms and conditions of service of employees of the University and their functions:-
    1. Provident Fund:-
      • The University shall, for the benefit of its employees, create a provident fund or participate in an insurance scheme in such manner and subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Management.
      • Where a provident fund has been created, the provisions of the provident funds Act, 1925 (Central Act 19 of 1925) shall apply to such a fund. Applicable rate of contribution to provident fund/insurance scheme by the University and employee shall be decided in consultation with the academic and other staff.
    2. Leave to officers, Teachers and Employees (in one academic year):-
      • Causal Leave : 12 days
      • Earned Leave (Officers & Employees) : 12 days
        +One EL for two and half days if worked in Summer Break as per requirement of the University (Maximum 18 days of EL)
      • Medical Leave : 20 days on half pay or 10 days on full pay

    However leave shall not be claimed as a matter of right
    In case of taking any leave without prior approval, one day leave shall be treated as two day leave i.e. two days leave on which one remains an unapproved leave.
    Academic and other staff that is resident of campus, and remains outstation shall be treated on leave except for the University work.

    1. Removal of Teachers, Employees etc
      • Where suspension of a teacher or any other member of the academic staff or an employee of the University appears necessary, the Vice-Chancellor may place such teacher or such other member of the staff under suspension and shall for with send a report to the Board of Management.
      • In respect of a teacher and other member of the academic staff or an employee, the appointing authority shall have power, after giving a reasonable opportunity of hearing to make an order of removal from service.
      • An employee/teacher/academic staff can also be removed from service in accordance with the term and conditions of his contract of employment.
      • Removal from service shall take effect from the date of order of removal. Providing that in the case of suspension, such removal shall take effect from the date of suspension order
      • In case of any grievance suspension or removal, a member of the academic staff or an employee, he/she shall be entitled to make an appeal to the Board of Management.
    2. Special mode of appointment:-
      • The Chancellor and the Board of Management shall have power to invite a person in on possession of high academic distinction and professional attainments to be appointed to the post of a Pro Vice-Chancellor or Professor or associate professor or other equivalent post in the University on such terms and condition as may be deemed and may appoint such person to such post.
      • The Board of Management may also appoint for a fixed tenure or otherwise a person working as a teacher or in the academic staff in other University or Organization, for teaching or undertaking a project or any other work on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Board of Management.
    3. Maintenance of discipline:-
      • The discipline in the university shall be maintained by the Vice-Chancellor or other officer nominated by him and he shall take such disciplinary action against a student and staff as appears necessary.
      • A student may be expelled from the University or rusticated for any period or punishment with fine or debarred from taking any examination conducted by the University for one or more years under the direction of the Voce-Chancellor.
      • The result of any student may be withheld or cancelled under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor.
  1. Arbitration:-
    • In case of any dispute/difference/claim and/or grievance in connection with any matter regarding functioning of the university or with regard to interpretation of any provision of statutes/ordinance/rules and regulation of the university, amongst students/any member of academic staff /other staff/any outside person or authority having any dealing with the university and in which the University is one of the concerned parties, the same shall be referred to a sole arbitrator to be appointed by the Chancellor. Arbitrator shall be other than an employee of the university and his decision shall be final and binding upon the parties. No person/Authority shall have a right to take any matter to a civil court/any other Tribunal without first resorting arbitration. Provisions of Indian Arbitration and conciliation Act 1996 shall be applicable to arbitration.
  2. The conferment of honorary degrees:-
    • All proposals for the conferment of honorary degrees shall be initiated by the Vice-Chancellor who after consultation with the Academic Council and the Board of Management shall submit the same to the Chancellor for confirmation.
  3. The exemption of student\s for payment of tuition fee and awarding to them scholarship and fellowship:-
    • The Board of Management shall make provision regarding exemption of students for payment of tuition fee and awarding to them scholarship and fellowship keeping in view the merit/need of the student concerned.
  4. The policy of admissions including regulations of reservation of seats:-
    • The policy of admissions including regulation of reservation of seats shall be decided by the Board of Management in consultation with he Academic Council and Advisory Council.
  5. The fees to be charged from students:-
    • The Board of Management may decide fee structure of different courses of the study and Programmes from time to time.
  6. Number of seats in different courses:-
    • The Board of Management may determine from time to time about number of seats in different courses in consultation with Academic Council.
  7. Creation of new authorities of the University:-
    • The Board of Management may create new authorities according to the needs of the University.
  8. Accounting policy and financial procedure:-
    • Accounting policy and financial procedure of the University shall be decided by the Board of Management as per needs of the University but keeping in view the objective of that the accounts maintained reflect the true and correct financial position of the University.
  9. Creation of new Faculties and abolition or destructing existing Faculty:-
    • The Vice-Chancellor, after consultation with Academic Council may create new Faculties of Studies and may abolish or restructure the existing Faculties keeping in view the contemporary needs of the local, state, national and international level.
  10. Institution of medals and prizes:-
    • Institution and distribution of medals and prizes shall be decided by the Board of Management.
  11. Creation of posts and procedure for abolition of post:-
    • Creation of posts and procedure for abolition of posts shall be decided by the Board of Management in consultation with the academic Council.
  12. Revision of fees:-
    • The fee nay be revised by the Board of Management from time to time.
  13. Alteration of the number of seats in different syllabi:-
    • The Board of Management may determine from time to time about number of seats in different syllabi in consultation with the Academic Council.All other matters which under the provisions of the Ordinance are required to be, or may be, prescribed by the statutes: The University shall perform all the functions as provided in UGC Act, 1956 and shall also have all the powers, authority and autonomy as provided in the provisions of the UGC Act, 1956.
  14. Bar against legal proceeding:
    • No court of law and/or Tribunal shall take cognizance of any legal action of civil nature against the University/any academic staff or employee of the University concerning any affairs of the university without complainant and/or aggrieved party first having resorted to arbitration as provided vide arbitration clause above and with approval of the Chancellor of the university. Access entry to the University of any person/authority in campus shall always be subject to the rules and regulation of the University.